Friday, September 2, 2011


Welcome to all our new students and new faculty. And welcome back to our returning students and faculty. We are looking forward to a busy and intellectually challenging year.

The department has had some changes over the summer. After four years of dedicated service to the department Dr. Sayward has stepped down as chair and Dr. Robert Hunt has agreed to serve as interim chair for the academic year, 2011-2012. Dr. Kristine McCusker has taken on the job of undergraduate director. Dr. Ed Beemon steps in as director of general studies and Dr. Pippa Holloway returns as graduate director. Thanks to all of them for making life in the history department easier!

As always, we are looking for folks willing to blog about life in the history department, so if you are in the history department (undergraduate, graduate, alumni, or faculty) and have something you'd like to say, stop by the department or post a comment here and we'll welcome you as a guest blogger. Many thanks to graduate student, Matt Bailey, for managing the department blog in spring 2011.

Along with the rest of MTSU, we'll be celebrating the centennial this year, so check back for updates and new postings about the history of MTSU and the history of the department.